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This work represents a questioning of femininity: how it is defined and experienced. The standards of femininity have proven to be unstable, fluctuating over time. The female figures featured in this work embody the current decade and how, in small ways, women are fighting against the grain. Even still, what is expected of these women still peeks through. The color of these images was manipulated to exude a pink hue, which was achieved through an alteration of light, background, and white balance during the photographing process. The pink becomes more apparent as the work progresses, demonstrating a change over time. Pink represents a social construct assigned to females at birth that carries with them throughout their lives. The color separates females from their male counterparts; pink being delicate and light, while blue is harsh and strong. The color pink epitomizes femininity in a pure form: following the proper rules, being soft, and staying pretty. The importance of this work resides in the effort of women to regain choices over their bodies and to explore their own selves in ways not deemed as “feminine,” as displayed through unladylike poses, exploration of one's own body, and masculine features. This work is an effort to see women for who they are by looking at them through something other than the male gaze. It is not always comfortable being up close and personal with the subject; however, this enforces the idea that the uncomfortable and limiting expectations need to change. 


© by Ronnie Gilmore. 

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